Monday, October 28, 2013

A Rock Hunt

 Yesterday morning was perfect for a rock hunt! 
I got the stomach bug the night before so we didn't make it to church, but it was so nice to be outside in the mild weather.  In the morning, H went into his room and closed the door while he chose his clothes.  He seemed to feel so big!  He chose his super hero shirt.   He wanted C to wear his too!  C called it his batman shirt.  We went outside and the boys started hunting rocks!  They collected some for their pockets, some went down the drain pipe, and then H decided it would be a good idea to get their buckets to collect some.

 I can never quite figure out their criteria for choosing rocks, but they always seem to be looking for a particular one.

 H found some good ones around the base of the tree.  
He found a huge one with some creepy crawlies under it.  He left that one there.

 C came up and said "You want ring Mama?"  He looked like he felt very sweet giving it to me. 

 H was looking all around the yard, and C was following pretty closely behind.  Good thing there were plenty of rocks in the yard, so there was no fighting! 
(Lately there has been a lot of "That one was mine"  "I had it first" going on, and then they start saying "Stop it" back and forth, and then little huffs back and forth, and sometimes swatting each other.  I wish I could figure out how to easily work out that situation.)

Back in the house, doing scratch art while I folded the clothes.  They have been enjoying the art projects that they get to do on my floor while I fold clothes or do a little work.  


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