Saturday, May 9, 2009

He's growing up!

There are many reasons why we know he is growing up - he smiles more, can hold his head up, laughs, can find his face with his hand, plays more, sort of has a schedule, and the list goes on, but he has also figured out how to get his arms out of his swaddler! This also means that he can suck on his fingers more....which he does so loudly that it wakes me up in the night sometimes! Another thing he does in the night is "ooching." He'll start out at the top of the cradle and when I wake up he has ooched himself to the bottom. It may be time to try sleeping without the swaddler, and maybe even in his own crib!

Exhibit A: approximately 6 weeks old

Exhibit B: almost 3 months old

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how fast he's growing up! He is just so precious.

