Wednesday, May 27, 2009


When do you decide that your baby just won't take a bottle?
Do you just accept it?
Or keep trying?


  1. I have no idea. It looks like you've tried all different types... I dunno, maybe just offer a bottle every once in a while and see if he'll take it? It used to be that L would only accept one type of pacifier and eject all others, but just within the past few months (granted, she's almost two, so it's not like you'll be giving H bottles for quite that long, but hey, it's worth a try) she stopped caring which kind we give her. Which is nice, because now we can make use of all those other pacifiers we bought when she was a baby and not have to hunt all over the house for the "right" kind!

  2. Ohhhh our house looks like that...but with sippy cups. What an AWFUL battle that was!

