Wednesday, June 3, 2009


We have been busy! He is still probably a little too small, but has seemed bored with some of his other toys, so I put H in the 'jumperoo' and he really enjoys it! Kicks his feet, bounces on his toes, chews on his hand, and is pleasantly occupied!

He outgrew his other swaddler and the velcro was wearing out, so, I decided to make him one! here he is trying it out. It was surprisingly easy to make, and I think is cuter than the ones we bought. One thing I have found about being a stay at home mom is that there is some extra time that needs to be filled. There is only so much time that I can spend sitting and watching him - even though he is very cute - and only so much that I can clean the house, etc, while he is napping. So, after the daily household upkeep is done, I have enjoyed doing some projects: swaddler, bibs, bumblebee dolls, monkey toy, felt food, baby shoes, boppy cover, etc.... We end up using the things I've made, it is less expensive than buying said items, it fills my time, and I enjoy it! So, the sewing machine and fabric all over the floor is becoming a norm around here. At least H is too young to mind if I've overtaken his room with crafting!

He enjoys his 'modified' tummy time much more than regular tummy time. I prop him up on the boppy (the cover I made is in this picture) set out some toys, and he will play for a little while! Is this baby cute, or what!!!!

And... he turned over today! I guess not totally over, but he turned on his side! The first time I think it was in pursuit of the pacifier that fell out of his mouth, but the other six or so times he had the pacifier in his mouth, so, he has reached another milestone! Go H! In this picture is how he looks when he tries to give a kiss! Mouth wide open! Nice and wet kisses too!

1 comment:

  1. Cute crafties!! I love the dots on his swaddler. Enjoy being able to leave fabric lying around while you can... (I hate it when people say things like that, but, well, here we are) :)

