Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nanny's house

I have many memories of my grandmother, Nanny's home. It has always been one of my favorite places. It has a wonderful smell - a smell that would always be on packages that came from her house - the smell of clean laundry, lavender, something cooking and love. Many summer vacations were spent there, and since coming here for school six years ago - every Sunday afternoon has been spent there as well.

At the kitchen table, many meals with family, playing spoons with the cousins, sitting in Gary's or Daddy's seat, Papa eating cereal with a fork, introducing Nathan to Nanny and my parents, "Taco Sunday's," and now playing with H.

I was trying to capture a smile -
but I got this....
is he trying to tell us what he thinks of pictures?

In the backyard, playing, playing, playing, running, the old shed, swinging with Nanny, watching out for wasps, family pictures after Papa's funeral, family pictures after my Junior and Senior recitals....
H is wearing a Feldman Brothers outfit that Nathan's school gave us. I wanted to make sure he got to wear it before he outgrew it, and Nanny's is the perfect place for pictures!
I think Nathan missed the memo about wearing blue and white today....


  1. H is growing up! He's gotten so big and continues to look the perfect picture of health! I love everyone of the pics and all the good memories of our times at Nanny's. I remember her famous strawberry shortcake and how we all loved a mound of it.
    Look at those cute piggies! They make me hungry.

  2. Janie I just tried to comment but may have lost it. The comment, not my cool.
    I notice how healthy and fine H is and how much he's grown. I can't wait to have him in my arms.
    I love those pink piggies. They make me hungry.
    I love you three.

