Saturday, January 15, 2011

A few made items

A family tree.
I have been wanting to do this for a little while. I cut out all of the pieces (tree, leaves, and letters) on the Silhouette and wrote in all of the names and dates on the leaves. I found the frame at Goodwill for $2! It took a little figuring to get the leaves in the right places to have the family tree part make sense, but I also drew in some vines to help connect everyone in the right place.

A family portrait.
Looks like us, right? (Don't answer that!)
I made this early this fall, and just never got around to posting about it. I had seen these on Etsy and thought they were cute, only now I need to go in and add a new little baby brother...

A weekly menu
We loosely follow this throughout the week. It helps me not feel too overwhelmed with thinking up meals, and helps keep us on budget with our groceries. I made stencils for the days and the scroll design with the Silhouette machine and then painted them in. It is black chalkboard paint, so I can easily change the meals if need be. The only problem with our menu - we have gotten tired of homemade pizza on Fridays. Any suggestions?

A little spice rack and salt and pepper shaker for H's play kitchen.
He doesn't really know what to do with salt and pepper yet, but he likes to shake them (they have little beads inside) and stack them. One day he will learn the art of seasoning - he does have Cajun in his blood after all! Again, I made stencils with the Silhouette and painted them.

Made with the crockpot. I think I have posted about making yogurt before - but it is great tasting and very cost efficient. It has been awhile since I made it - the first few months of pregnancy I couldn't stand the thought/smell of it, so this is the first time I've made it since then. I made a yogurt/mango/banana smoothie this morning for H and I to share and he was in love!


  1. AHH!! You must share about yogurt in the crock pot. I use a cooler and hot water in the tub, which works, but I think I would feel more comfortable about the crock (and I wouldn't have to be checking the temp & changing the water). Also, if you can find raw milk, you HAVE to try yogurt with it... it makes the sweetest, tastiest, creamiest yogurt I have ever had. Love your chalkboard - I got a frame just last weekend & put on the 2nd coat of paint tonight! I'd planned on using mine for a grocery list, but I reeeally like the idea of using it for a meal planner instead. I vote pork on Fridays! Mmmm piggy (that's what Lizzy calls it).

  2. I want to commission a family picture thingie (like my technical language? the stitch-people) for us. Too cute! I went to a crafting night on Friday and thought first that you'd be proud of me...and then that you would NOT if you saw my craft LOL.

  3. OH! And for a dinner suggestion, we usually have a taco night every week. And a spaghetti night. And then we jazz the other ones up. We mix the tacos up depending on what meat is on sale - pork, chicken, beef, etc. You can use a chuck roast or a pork roast in the slow cooker and have tacos for days! (Let me know if you want some recipes)

  4. LOVE the family tree. Big Poppa would be so proud. Go old school on Fridays -- seafood, i.e., no meat.

