Thursday, January 27, 2011

SweetHart made

Right now, H is slumbering peacefully, N is on a trip, I'm sipping some Xiao's blend teas, some whole wheat bread is on it's second rise, and some peaceful guitar music is playing, a baby is kicking pleasantly in my tummy.... does it get any better than that?

Today it was warm enough to finally go outside and play! Not just bundle up and go for a brisk walk, or quickly make it to the car, but play! Walk around, visit the neighborhood animals, blow bubbles and do sidewalk chalk!!!

I am finally including some pictures of the cute hat that SweetHart made for H for Christmas.
Isn't it cute?

And a few more pictures just because I think H is cute too!

Mama is also wearing a "SweetHart made" hat. So warm! I realized a few weeks ago that it matches a scarf that she made me a few years ago.


wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Eating a raisin on his scooter (a $5 Goodwill purchase)
H gets raisins after he goes tee-tee on the potty! So far the most he's gotten in one day is eight!!! He doesn't tell us when he needs to go yet, but every time we sit him down on the potty he goes. I'm hoping to have him mostly potty trained by the time his baby brother arrives in May/June.

I think he was ready for naptime after all of the playing!

On H's little blankie (that SweetHart made) there is a thread that worked it's way out in the wash. It used to lay flat. Now whenever H has the blankie, he likes to hold on to the thread, so now it always sticks straight out.

This is from a few nights ago. We are trying to decide when to move H up to a big boy bed, and then I come and find him falling out of his crib and decide he's not ready yet! Eventually little brother will need this crib, so we are trying to decide if we should graduate H before or after the baby comes.
Decisions, decisions.....

1 comment:

  1. I vote you graduate him now. Because then he won't feel like he's being usurped!

