Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Turtle Release

After all the littles had their naps, H was so excited to show everyone the turtle.  He pointed out it's feet, head, eyes, and tail multiple times.  He seemed fascinated by the tail.

Millie's granddaughter, Amelia wanted to see the turtle swim, so we put some water in the wheelbarrow and let him loose.  The water really brought out the design on his shell.  Poor little guy though, I am sure he didn't know what to do with all of the fingers poking at him and grabbing him.  The kids all wanted to take turns holding him, so we had to make sure that no one grabbed too hard. 

H was sooo excited to show Daddy when he came home.  He had to point out all of the cool features once again.  

We decided to release the turtle in the pond across the street from us. 
We made quite a dramatic procession over there, and H showed me right where he was going to swim.  "He's going to find his mama."  

I had talked to my mama about the turtle, and she showed the blog to one of her co-workers and friends, Liz, and she knew right away that the turtle was a Red Eared Slider - she has them in her yard in California.  So neat that we have the same turtles here that they do there!  It's a small world!

1 comment:

  1. We have a pet red-eared slider, about the same size as the one H found. He has a serious turtle condo, and his name is Thomas the Train Turtle.

    He's aristocracy. ;)

