Sunday, April 29, 2012

On a Sunday

Just a regular Sunday!  Church this morning, fun in the nursery for H and C, and an easy going afternoon to follow.  It was just me and the boys most of the afternoon, Daddy has finals this week - so he had to go do a little work.  Even when it is just us three, these boys keep me entertained!

C is getting more mobile these days, he stands up and will think about taking steps, and I think maybe today he actually took a step, but he collapsed pretty quickly.  He has discovered the joy (?) of leaning.  He will stand up near a wall or cabinet and then turn around and lean his heiny against it.  He smiles and giggles when he does it, he must think it is a funny trick.  
He started climbing a little too!  If there is a little toy, sometimes he will sit on it or stand on it, but today he discovered that it was fun to climb on brothers art tray!  He looks so pleased with himself!  We may have to move it for the next little while...

H is getting into more these days too!  He is really into drawing and tries to draw specific things.  He drew his first person the other day, too!  He's been growing in his vocabulary - he tries to take part in our conversations, and is really wanting to help us - help us make beds, cook, and more!  He is thinking a little more outside the box these days too...or inside the boxes?

H loves to help Daddy grill!  He likes to get a little dish of "all y'all" (olive oil) and follow Daddy around in case he needs it.  Cute!

Baby Lee came to visit yesterday (we love trading babysitting with our neighbors!!!!) and H loves being a little Daddy to him, bringing him toys and his paci, and C thought he was funny and would giggle every time Baby Lee would move or make a sound.  

This will be a busy week - we'll keep you posted!

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