Sunday, April 21, 2013

Clara Hartwell's birthday party

Clara Hartwell had a Doc McStuffins birthday party this weekend.  The boys were happy to bring their favorite animals to the party.  H chose Monkey Bar and C chose Watch Doggy, both their favorite stuffed animals that they sleep with every night.  (Watch Doggy was mine and KK's doggy from when we were little to keep scary things away.).  Both boys didn't really have a choice about becoming attached to their blankies (thanks SweetHart!) but they have both chosen their own animals to love.  It's cute to see what they select.  And their selection changes and evolves over time, fun to watch. 

 C enjoyed the bounce house.  His hair was wild by the end of the party!  Static!

 H all but claimed the play house as his.  Mr. Sunshine!

 Doctoring up their animals.  I hope this doesn't start a new obsession with band aids. 

C got the tiniest scratch at the party on his knee.  He had sort of forgotten about it until he got in the car to go home.  Then he was the most pitiful patient!  We had to put some medicine and a bandaid on it and then he sat on the couch whimpering the rest of the night.  
He is the one the whines and whimpers while big brother is at the dentist or doctors.  Today we had to take a splinter out of H's toe and C was screaming, saying "no no no no..." and looking like he was about to pass out.  He definitely has "white coat syndrome" and does not like anyone (himself included) to be in any sort of pain.  I don't look forward to seeing how he reacts when he is really in pain! 

1 comment:

  1. These two boys get the CUTE Award! You do a great job of sharing them with your followers. We're faithful to you.

