Monday, April 8, 2013

Monroe, Part 2

It was so fun to celebrate Easter at Nanny's house!  The boys loved all of the preparations, and I was so surprised that the Easter Bunny even brought me a basket!

 We did some egg decorating one afternoon while brother was asleep.  H really enjoyed the process.  He kept asking to open the eggs to see what was inside... we tried to discourage it, saying it would be a yucky mess!

 Our creations!  H also put stickers all over them after they dried.

 How much luck do you think a five leaf clover would bring?
We also found a couple of six leaf ones!  Mary Ann said that the patch these came from has always produced extras. 

 The boys found a puddle and made rock/leaf/petal soup.  They then started splashing and stirring, needless to say - they got an extra bath that day!  It was messy but they had a blast! 

 PawPaw and Missy had fun Easter baskets for the boys.  Balls and sporty things for C, and water fun/outdoors things for H.  The boys both loved their baskets and our early Easter Dinner with PawPaw and Missy. 

 H was our Easter lunch helper for Strawberry Shortcake.  He helped cut out very precise little shapes of cake for everyone, poured on strawberries, and then smeared a little whipped cream around.  He said "Mary Ann, this is fun!"  As much fun as he had serving the desert, he didn't want to eat any. 

 We went to Pacha's house (SweetHart's childhood friend) after naps and had a great time exploring the woods!  She had cute bunnies for the boys and gave them a copy of her new book that she wrote: Swamper:  Letters from a Louisiana Swamp Rabbit

 We did our Easter Egg hunt the next morning.  It had rained too much on Easter afternoon.  They boys had a great time finding eggs, and H was so sweet to help C find some when his own bucket was full. 

It didn't take long for them to fall asleep in the car heading back to Oxford.  What a wonderful visit!

1 comment:

  1. That was a great visit. Thanks for taking us with you. I'll have H's strawberry shortcake, please.

