Monday, June 16, 2014

Black Bayou and Jimmie Davis

 SweetHart, leading the boys in some discovery/observation at Black Bayou.

Of course, a SweetHart visit would not be complete without a visit to Black Bayou.  We all love it there, and so me and the boys visit regularly and just must take SweetHart and Pop each time they come too!

 They noticed several frogs while we were there (can you find it?)

 Love these two!  What great parents and grandparents they are. 
Me and Pop had a couple of conversations about "there goes Mom again..."  she is ever the naturalist!

 Looking for things in the Bayou.  After swim lessons and a walk around Black Bayou in the summer time, both boys were getting a little tired, so Pop had to help C out.  And H was less inclined to stop and look at every exciting discovery. 

While Pop and SweetHart were here, my cousin and her family happened to be staying at Jimmie Davis state park nearby, and my Uncle and Aunt were in town too, so we just had to go see them!  I didn't get a picture of everyone together (I wish I had) but did manage to get a few pictures of the boys (and SweetHart) in the lake.  
 Happy to be in the water

 Practicing his skills from swim lessons and collecting mussel shells from the bottom of the lake.  Before we left he probably had about 50 or so shells, and wanted to bring ALL of them home.  We talked him down to just a few...

 Swimming!  C was practicing his skills too!

Worn out!  Lots of family and fun will wear a little boy (and his grandmother) out! 

1 comment:

  1. We're ready to come again after seeing your pictures and your journaling. Thanks for he chance to do it again.

