Monday, June 30, 2014


This week, H (and C, sort of) attended VBS (H calls it PBS), and had a great time!  H really was the only one who officially attended, but C ended up loving the singing and moves so much that we started staying for the opening and closing activities each day.  
The theme was Agency D3 and was all about secret agents and spies, and so H has been all about secret agents and secret codes and such all week long! 

 C practicing the theme song.  It required sunglasses to complete the secret agent look.  H wasn't big on doing the moves while at VBS, he was more into watching, but when we were home, he knew every move and taught them all to C.

C (and all of the kids) practicing.  
I'm so thankful for these programs that help plant and grow such seeds of faith into the kids hearts.  I know H had a great time, and came home telling me some great Bible stories.  I know he would love to go to VBS again and again if he could!

 H's class performing "More than just a good man."  He was singing this song almost constantly all week long!

 H's class performing.

 Secret Agent H!


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