Monday, June 16, 2014

Pop and SweetHart, Part 1

They came to see us!  We went to meet Pop and SweetHart at the airport.  They boys (and I) were so happy to see them.  Finally, they had a flight with no delays, and no overnights in Atlanta.  

 We had to fairly quickly introduce Pop and SweetHart into the world of Frozen!  Both boys have seen it so many times, when they watch it they say all of the lines and act out the parts.  C even gets a hammer or pliers to work with the guys getting the ice and a scooter to scoot down the hall when the horses are riding fast!  A very interactive experience.  Pop and SweetHart were not disappointed.

 C saw Pop shaving and then felt the need to shave himself and everybody else with his toy razor. 

 The boys started swim lessons.  The wonderful school they have been going to also has a pool and offers swim lessons in the summer.  We had never done swim lessons before, there has been uncertainty over the last few summers, so this was the perfect time to do it!  The boys were happy to see their friends and teachers at school and to learn to swim.  They did very well, and C started calling his swim clothes "swim lessons."

 Swim lessons had tired the boys out!  They were tired (and cranky) most mornings after lessons, so we kept it simple and made sure to get a rest in.  Even H, who doesn't nap hardly ever anymore, fell asleep at rest time. 

After supper dress up?  C found the shoes that our neighbor, Evelyn, left at our house and got out several dress up hats to go with it and ran up and down the hall.  

 Duck, duck, goose.  H wanted to play the game and neither SweetHart or I really wanted to play with them.  They got out all of their animals to play along, and before too long, SweetHart was in the game, having a blast! 

 Press Here is a great, great book!  We read it at the library story time a couple of weeks ago, and then SweetHart picked it up for them from the library.  Such a fun, fun, interactive book. 

The library has a science theme this summer and has science "expericents" (experiments) every Friday.  SweetHart took H to this one, and when they got back they showed me and C how to do it.  H is all excited about doing experiments now! 

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