Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A few of our favorite things

This cradle was given to us by the mother of one of my students and it has been so wonderful! It stays by our bed at night - to make the last night feedings a little easier - and during the day it can be wheeled into the living room or wherever we need it to be. Along with providing a place to lay Harrison down, it also holds some necessities - the Boppy, pacifier, burp cloth, blanket, etc... (This picture was taken within hours of him coming home from the hospital. Six weeks has flown!)

The Boppy! Not only does it help with feeding/nursing, it helps give Daddy's and grandpa's a little arm support when holding babies. (We have found that women are built to hold babies for long periods of time without tiring, but men are not! Father and grandfather both use the Boppy to assist with this problem.) It is also wonderful as a baby lounge. You can prop him in it like a chair and then see him easily to talk or smile to, or he loves to sit in it and watch me fold laundry.

The bumGenius diaper sprayer. I would have put a picture of it up, but a picture of Harrison in bG diapers is much, much cuter! We are going the cloth diaper route which has so far been wonderful, and the diaper sprayer is one of the most wonderful inventions! It hooks up to the toilet and you can use it to spray any mess off of the diapers and into the toilet. Wonderful for a newborn who is breastfed - I had no idea..... (This also happens to be my favorite outfit of his. I loove naked babies!)

The mei tai baby carrier. I made this one with easy directions from the internet, and it has been a lifesaver while doing laundry, shopping at Walmart and during food preparations. A lifesaver! This way, he gets to be close to Mama, I have my hands free, and we are both happy! Once in it, he almost immediately gets a drugged look on his face and then promptly falls asleep.

This smiling face. Need I say more?


  1. Janie, you look so beautiful, simply glowing! Thank you for keeping me supplied with pictures of you and Harrison, Nathan and Leonard, too. I love to read your descriptions of the wonderful aids you have to help you all enjoy Mr. Number One, Jr. Your apartment looks just great!
    We talk every day about all these things, but you present them so well on your blog. It's like seeing our conversations in a picture book. Dad really enjoys looking at every new entry, very thoroughly.
    I love you.

  2. Hey guys, I am JUST now getting caught up on all of March and a little April, too. WOW has that baby grown since I saw him last. And he is beautiful!!! He has Trahan written all over him with those blue eyes. We'll see if he ends up with them like his Daddy. =)

    Love all the pics, descriptions, and day-by-day writings. It makes me remember lots of stuff about when Nolan was that small... such a wonderful time. Greg, too, was a huge fan of the Boppy- he rarely held Nolan without it. =)

    And Janie- in that pic with the baby sling/carrier... well, let me tell you that I am so jealous... you are tiny! That's so not fair!!! I carried extra weight for nearly a YEAR.
    Seriously, you look amazing. Love the sight! Can't wait to see baby in person... let's get together sometime soon!!!

  3. Oops, above I meant "Love the site" (as in website)... not "Love the sight." Sorry!!

  4. I love that second picture of you. You are so gorgeous, mama!

  5. Amanda and littlecumulus, I think we're in the same fan club. I enjoy your comments as I visit and go over the sights and site.

