Friday, April 24, 2009

Little Laughs

He's been smiling for a little while, but now, every once in awhile, we can get a laugh out of him. Usually if we start trying to video him, he starts seriously looking at the camera and stops smiling or doing whatever cute thing he was doing.
Two people that can get a smile out of him fairly regularly are his GrandMelissa and Pawpaw. Whenever they come and start signing and talking to him, he starts smiling and laughing. He loves when they come to play with him!

Today, I was folding the clothes and playing peek-a-boo with the burp cloths with him and snuck the video camera in before he realized it - so I caught his little laugh!

Disclaimer: Please do not hold how silly I sound making those noises against me - it was for a good cause!
Side note: You can also tell when he noticed the video camera because he stopped smiling as much and started staring at the camera.
Special thanks to: Uncle Duane for sending us this camera to capture these little moments!


  1. We think it would be interesting to take the still picture of H-Man laughing and put it next to our favorite wedding picture of Harry. Two great faces!!!

  2. Love the laughing video!! He is too cute!!!

  3. Oh, I really love to see Baby H. laughing with his happy shiny blue eyes like his Daddy and Uncle Duane, which reminds me a lot of my sons when they were admirable babies. He is more cute when he laughs. Like more videos at him on anything he does like learning a step by so we won't miss any. ILY!

