Sunday, April 5, 2009


the bottle

Preparing for the big event! We figured that at almost seven weeks, it was about time to try out this bottle thing before he won't take one!

At first he was looking at us like he was thinking "what is this that you are putting in my mouth???" It leaked a few drops of milk into his mouth, and then he got the picture! He figured out what he was supposed to do and went to town! He'll just need to do a little work on mastering the milk flow. I think it comes out faster from a bottle than he is used to because the whole front of his shirt was wet when he was finished!

Mission: accomplished!


  1. I love that sweet picture of N and H gazing at each other. And H looks like a perfect little doll in that last picture! I'm glad he'll take a bottle for daddy. :)

  2. What a great surprise!!! First you got me with the pacifier picture. Now this. Nathan looks like a natural. You're a good writer.

