Thursday, April 30, 2009

Old MacDonald had a farm..

With a baa baaa here....

Part I

Part II
He really has a tiny heiny, but cloth diapers add a lot of padding!

On Monday, for the children's music academy that I am director over, there was a concert that I had to be at, and it worked out that H needed to go with me. He had been up for a little while, and it was about the time that he would normally fall asleep. Music, especially live music seems to put him right to sleep, so while the children were singing - he would fall asleep, but every time the audience would clap - he would wake up! So, after three thirty minute concerts at local retired living and nursing homes he was a bit of a wreck! If only they didn't need to clap so much... But, thankfully he didn't start crying until it was just me and him back in the car.

He is still doing great with bath time! It's hard to tell, but I think he may enjoy it! He doesn't smile too much during bath time, but, he also doesn't cry... Little boys like to spray when they are getting a diaper change or getting bathed. He hasn't sprayed me during a diaper change in probably over a month which has rendered our pee-pee tee-pees dormant, but every time we bathe him he lets out a nice long stream! It must be the warm water...

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