Sunday, August 9, 2009

But Mama....

Can't you see that I'm tired????
I was getting ready in our room, and H started out sitting up
and then slowly melted - it was definitely nap time!

Can't you see that I think Daddy is funny?
Somehow to get H to laugh I tickle him, nibble his toes, am really silly, etc,
and then he gives me a good laugh and a smile.
But if Nathan even just looks at H, he starts to crack up!!!

Can't you see that I don't like food????

This was H's second meal.
It is a little long, we took another video, but this one is the funniest.
He is very expressive. I am sure after a few meals he will come to like it -
at least until we try some yucky fruit or veggie.


  1. LOL I love the hanger one..
    "No mom, I can't fold clothes anymore..soo tired"

    :) Amy
    another harrison mama!

  2. Bwa ha ha!!! That made me laugh right out loud.

    ps-- L didn't like rice cereal until I mixed in a tiny bit of mashed banana. Then we started going through more bananas than a circus train full of monkeys.

  3. What is that?!? Porridge?

    Like littlecumulus, we mixed a little fruit in with the cereal and Dave scarfed it up. But that was at 4 months. At six months, he started on veggies first -- our video was spinach and quite a show. Then, onto fruit. Never had much of a problem getting the boy to eat...then. Now, I can't force weight on the 18 year old boy.

  4. Try a little brown sugar or sugar in the raw. And tell Nathan to quit lying to the poor child! Rice cereal tastes AWFUL. :)

