Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Who will you be?

As we see little bits and pieces of H's personality - an aversion to or a like for something, a giggle, a cry, etc, I am always wondering who this little one will become. A lawyer, a children's book author, a teacher, a coach? I just hope that we can do our best to mold him into a strong, loving, upstanding, honest, hard-working, good person (who loves his mama very, very much!).

A song and a jingle

Being snuggled
Being outside
Jumping in the jumperoo
Having his diaper changed
Turning over from his back
Daddy's singing

Turning over from his tummy
Having his nose cleaned
His bouncy seat
Too much of anything

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny how they all have their own personalities? Ollie will do something analytical. Or be on "Veggie Tales." We discovered the first thing EVER that he's afraid of this week, too. Besides too many relatives.

