Thursday, May 27, 2010

Busy good day

I wish this picture meant that we had trained Leonard to help with the dishes, but in reality there was a bug above the dishwaher.

I had thought H would be spending the summer in a diaper and t-shirt, but I don't think that will be happening....he figured out how to undo his Velcro tab diapers.

He loved walking around naked - and thankfully didn't have any accidents!

More nakey time! "Ooooooh!"

This is H right now:
I don't think he could get any farther into the corner if he tried! His toes are sticking out the side of the crib, and his head is all covered up! He had also thrown all of his animals over the sides too!

One thing I didn't get a picture of is H with his new toothbrush! He loves having his teeth brushed, but when I give him the brush, he can't quite get coordinated enough to move his hand back and forth while keeping his head still, so he moves his head back and forth while keeping his hand still. It is quite a sight!

Nathan had his last day of school yesterday, and is officially on summer vacation! His is enjoying his first day of summer - by wonderfully playing with H, and helping with laundry and dishes. I am thankful to have a husband who is so willing to jump in and help out! But, tomorrow we will be heading to the park - N has never been to the park with H and I, so it will be a fun way to enjoy the summer morning!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha, ha! The pictures made me laugh out loud. Have fun at the park!

