Tuesday, August 28, 2012


 The Moms group had another open gym day at the local gymnastics ('nastics) center.  They have one of these about every six-ish months.  We always have a blast! For most of the morning, the boys were never too far from each other, but I did have a few times where both boys were going in opposite directions and I had to quickly grab one to go save the other from being run into or running in to another little one.  I feel like I got some good exercise too!

 Come on, brother, like this!

 H never stayed at one activity too long.  I had a hard time keeping my eyes on him.  He just went from one thing to the other.

 One of C's favorites was the big foam wedge that he would just roll down.  The first time, I really had to work to keep him rolling, but eventually he got it and would roll himself.

 Weee!  Miss Shannon helped H jump to and swing up onto the bar.  He couldn't stop laughing!

 Up or down?  This was another one of C's favorites!
 He eventually got the pattern of moving hands and feet.
H's favorite activities were the rings and the trampoline, but I didn't get a good picture of either - too much motion! 

Let's do this again, brother!
(It's hard to tell, but they are both sitting on top of the kid version of the pommel horse and loved it!)

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