Friday, February 14, 2014

Wouldn't change a thing

Some days are so busy and intense with two little boys who are gaining independence, and figuring out who they want to be.  Two boys who have all of the sudden started to fight a little more (about EVERYTHING!!! They fight about who Tatum belongs to, who gets to sit in Mama's lap first, who gets to throw a scrap of trash away, and the list goes on.   (Any suggestions for working through this?))

But even with all of that, I wouldn't change a thing.  

I'm just a little bit more glad when everyone is finally asleep on those days! 

(The boys even tucked Tatum in with his blanket on top and his "phone." (C calls his bone his "phone)

1 comment:

  1. I love my kids so much but I think think I love them even more when they're asleep!! Nah mine fight all the time too. When they get really bad I make them sing Love at Home (staying silent is also a choice), all verses. By the time we're done they've forgotten all about the fight.

