Friday, February 28, 2014


 I can't believe that my big boy is actually five years old!  
I know this is a couple weeks late, but I wanted to share some of the silly things that this silly boy says that keeps me laughing.  
 (Heading home from the hospital)

 "I want to be green.  Like a green man."

"These petunias (dandelions) are about to hatch!" (bloom?)

"I love the Valentines of my head."

"Our new house will be across the water on the glove." (Globe?)

"God said: Don't sneak in the bathroom.  That's what he said."

"My teacher lives somewhere."

 (One year old)

He calls pepperoni pizza "Macaroni Cheese Pizza."

"I need to mix the colors to make it more polite."

"Mama, are you growing down?"

When I showed H the hospital where he was born, he asked "Do you need to go to the hospital and lay down?"

 (Two years old)

When we started his sight words, we got to "on." He said "Aaah, Nnnn.  O. N.  Spells SKATE!"

"Tis the season to be Charlie." 
(Tis the season to be jolly.  (From Jingle Bells))

"When I eat peaches they go into my tummy and it turns them into hot chocolate.  And then they make rainbows!"

"I had a good day today, but I can't remember if I got mad or not."

 (Three years old)

"I love my elbows"

"You know how I can make my things bigger?  I can make my eyes really big!"

Me: "H, you ate your salad very well."
H: "I know, I'm very brave."

"I'd be really made if someone putched (punched) me in the face."

"I know glitter, it smarkles!"

"If you poop on someone, it would not be nice." 

(Four years old)

C: "Who boke dis?" (Who broke this?)
H:  "Maybe Big Foot."

"I know the flag of kamerika."  (America)

"Mama, put your lid on.  It's cold outside!" (The hood on my jacket.)

"I'm bored of this supper."

(Five years old)

Me:  "Some things dig for bones."
H:  "Like dogs?"
"Archaeologists dig for bones too."
"Are them dogs too?"
"No, they are people who study bones."
"And then do they eat them?"

"It's straight behead!" (straight ahead)

"do you want to be a brick for Halloween?"

"Wake me up when it's Spring."

 There are so many more funny things he says that I could add, but I will leave that for now. 
I do love my sweet five year old.  He is silly, he loves to make his brother laugh, he loves to snuggle and watch shows, he loves God, he is a good helper, he is curious about how things work, he loves art, he is strong willed and determined, but has a big heart and loves his family and friends.  
I love this boy and can't wait to see where he goes in his life!

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