Friday, February 25, 2011

Being Two

Just some things I want to remember about H at this stage:

He loves fresh veggies

He is defniately a Southern boy: he says "na-yuck" for snack, "mo-wer" for more, "ee-um" for the letter M, "may-ose" for mouse, "kay-och" for couch, "dee-up" for dip, and many more one syllable words that he makes into two.

He loves to get zerberts/rasberries on his tummy

He loves to go up to you and grab your leg and say "bizz" (his version of bzzz) like he is shocking you - especially if you give a good reaction.

He says his own prayers now. He will put his hands together and say "God. Amen." Sometimes he feels the need to pray in the middle of a meal too.

He knows all of his letters, and can count up to 20.

He likes to have music on all day long. (Thank you Pandora!)

He loves to read - especially his Bible, Mother Goose, and the Oops Book.

He loves to do puzzles.

If anyone is eating something sweet, especially ice cream, he will climb up and get right in their face.

When we change his diaper, H will ask for "shumfing" (something) to play with. N can also often distract H by asking him if he wants to go see 'something.'

He can eat! Often he can eat about as much as N or I - especially if it is something he really likes. He seems to always be telling us that he is "hugreen" (hungry) or that he wants "brefas" (breakfast) or "shuppuh" (supper).

He is becoming increasingly attached to his little blankie which he calls "two."

He likes "water ice" (water with ice).

When he wakes up in the morning, the first thing he says is "diaper change." He knows the routine.

When we put him in the crib at night, he will often say "Wuv you" (I love you) over and over until we close the door.

1 comment:

  1. I adore that hat. What a cute boy! I can't wait for him to see his cousins later this month.

