Friday, February 4, 2011

The cure

Today was one of those days - you just wake up in a funk - H was crying because he couldn't find his paci, it was cold and cloudy outside, it's the end of a long week, pregnant mama hasn't been sleeping well, there is so much to be done but not enough time to do it...... one of those days.

I talked to my mama on the phone, H watched Sesame Street, and then we found the cure for funk: music and smoothies!

We pulled out the "manin" (mandolin) and strummed a little. H likes anything with a good rhythm, but really likes it if you play one of his favorites: The Wheels on the Bus, Old MacDonald, or The Itsy Bitsy Spider. He likes to 'help' with the strumming and tuning. We also played a little "tarra" (guitar) this morning (another Goodwill find!!! I had borrowed one from a family member for a few years, but they asked for it back - I was sooooooooo sad - but this week I found a great classical guitar at Goodwill for a great price! Joy!)

He especially likes to sit on the mandolin or guitar case while you play.

H has been really into the bells lately. He calls them "bell shirka" (bell circles) I guess because he discovered that they were in the shape of a circle. He is very methodical about it - take them out of the box, line them all up, knock them over, set them back up and then play.

He enjoys singing his ABC's on the "shoe" (kazoo)

And what good jam session doesn't end with a pineapple/orange/banana smoothie?

Funk problems solved!

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